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It's time to tell your story.

If you've ever wondered about publishing your story, now is the time to do it. What Jesus did in your life is powerful, you story carries authority and breakthrough, and you're the only one who can tell it! It's time to share your testimony with the world so that others can receive the blessing that your story carries. 

Testimony Campaign

This affordable author track is designed to empower believers to release the power of their testimony by coaching them as writers and publishing their books. Authors living outside of Redding, CA can still participate by connecting with us for coaching sessions via ZOOM.

Included in this track:

✓ 12-step Testimony Writing Course e-course

✓ Five 1:1 coaching sessions

✓ Editing & proofreading services

✓ A publishing deal

✓ Global online distribution in two formats - paperback & e-book

✓ Physical author copies of your book (First 10 copies are on us!)

✓ Ongoing author royalty services

How it works


Phase One: Creating your manuscript

2-3 months

After submitting your intake form, you will make your down payment, set up ongoing payments, and embark on your author journey. You will book your first 30-min consultation and receive access to our Testimony Writing Course e-course with resources and action steps that will prepare you for your first 1:1 author coaching session. After this meeting, you will work on writing and perfecting the first draft of your testimony or 'manuscript.' Once your manuscript is in a great place, you'll submit it to us for review and editing. This will mark the first milestone on your way to having your book published.


Phase Two: Editing & proofreading

2-3 months

At the start of phase 2, we will begin to polish your manuscript with editing and proofreading. After we have reviewed and edited your manuscript, we will schedule a second 1:1 coaching session to consult with you about possible adjustments that need to be made to your manuscript before it's publish ready. Our goal is to help you create an excellent work of art that is captivating, easy to read, and digestible for your readers. We will work alongside you to coach you toward your second big milestone, having a publish-ready manuscript.


Phase Three: Publishing your book

2-3 months

With your final manuscript in our hand, we will begin to format your book and draw up our standard publishing contract for you. We will show you how to copyright your work so that you retain complete ownership of your writing. (Copyrighting costs about $65-80 on the US Copyright website.) We'll dive into designing and formatting your book and go over everything in our second to last 1:1 coaching session. Once all formatting, design and legal/licensing decisions have been made, we will prepare your book for publishing. You will get a 'author proof copy' of your book to approve of or improve on before we send your book to the printers. We will deliver to your your author copies and distribute your book online where it will be available for purchase in print and e-book format all over the world!

Get Started

Get started publishing your story. Head on over to the pricing & detail page where you will be able to fill out an intake form.

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